
The very first ingredient in your cheese making is rennet. As you may already know, there are recipes using lemon juice, tartaric acid, citric acid but those recipes are not for real cheeses. They are usually made fresh and consumed straight away. Rennet is an enzyme or actually couple of enzymes. It is secreted from […]

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What is Cheese?

The answer should be quite straightforward: “Cheese is milk which has been concentrated and preserved.” Preservation is, in a nutshell, the slowing down of the natural progression of putrefying organisms. In natural cheese-making one uses the following scientifically and historically sound methods of preservation: Extraction of Moisture All organisms have a minimum required moisture intake […]

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CHR Hansen Belgeleri

Daha önce bir kaç kez sorulmuştu ve sanırım bir kişiye yanlış bir adres göndermişim. Aşağıdaki adreste bulunan belgeler CHR Hansen (Türkiye’de Peyma-Hansen olarak geçiyor) firmasının ki kendileri starter kültür üreten firmaların en başta gelenidir, hazırladığı peynir yapım broşürleridir.,593.0.html

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